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The Origin of Caveman Robot!

Visit the City of Monumenta!



What is this thing?

Caveman Robot: Behold the Dodecatron! Is a kid-friendly action adventure tale of over-the-top, two-fisted tales presented in a manner bordering on the absurd that will keep viewers permanently glued to their seats, no bathroom breaks!

What is the Pitch?

Who is Caveman Robot? The conflict of this character is that up until we meet him in this story, he has been treated as a "fantastic machine" by everyone in his life expect for Megan Tuttlewell, who is the only one that has ever treated him like a person, this pilot, this intro story is the moment when he awakens to the fact that he might be more than a machine. He is more than what his handlers think he is. These first 12 episodes, is CMR figuring out himself and his place in the world, while all the villains from his past come back for revenge. Just like how our target viewers are going through their own process of self-evaluation, as they' are growing up into their own selves. In many ways Caveman Robot is a child in his world, not good with words, primal, sees things his own special way, sometimes his emotions take over and get the better of him. Sometimes his actions are misunderstood, and he gets frustrated when people think he is just a machine or a monster. He deeply wants to do good and help people, and will risk himself, even sacrifice himself for the greater good.

At the same time we meet Loser Pete, a sad sack kid with a heart of gold, Pete is just a normal kid trying to make his mark in this crazy world in spite of a staggering streak of super bad luck that shows no sign of letting up. Pete has been singled out by the evil Park Brothers as their latest pawn in the plot to destory Caveman Robot. Pete begurdingly becomes a defacto sidekick to our Hero, and discovers his real pontenial as CMR is find out his own.

Where is Caveman Robot?

The series takes place in the present day in the amazing "comic book utopia" city of Monumenta, an amazing visual smorgasbord architectureal dreams and countless wacky denizes around every corner. Since, out hero is ageless, the audience will be privy to adventures at the dawn of time and at the end of the universe as well, every time they tune in.

Who else is in the story?

We have painstakingly developed for our hero, an elaborate environment populated by a vast assortment of hilarious friends and dynamic enemies. Viewers will meet The Dog that Thinks He is Steve Allen, and thrill at the machinations of foes such as Ape Lincoln, the evil President from the dimension of Apemeria. Besides insane villains and monstrous threats, Caveman Robot must also deal with his oldest friend and disapproving mentor, the oral hygiene obsessed Dr. John Zarathustra, D.D.S. Zarathustra, is no longer the "Master of Monumenta" but a stubborn super-adventurer in his twilight years that refuses to accept his imminent retirement. Caveman Robot lives with brilliant and kooky Professor Tuttlewell and his young spitfire niece, Megan. Caveman Robot is both their ward and protector; the Tuttlewells help their beloved friend to adapt to the frustrations of modern living and Caveman Robot is always there to assist them in their experiments and exploits. It's no secret that Megan thrives on adventure and thrills but her fiery spirit also burns with an intense crush on our awkward and completely oblivious hero! As Loser Pete, becomes part of the gang, first as a mole and then as an actual ally, we see how he and CMR are sides to the same coin.


What is Caveman Robot's secret origin?

How did "The Robot that Time Forgot" come to be? No one really knows the whole story; not even himself. He, like all great heroes, is kind of an orphan trying to find out who and what he is. During these first twelve episodes, the answers to these mysteries will be revelations beyond your wildest dreams and everyone will bear witness!


We see Caveman Robot as a new and exciting beacon of hope to rival the highest levels of mortal endeavor in an otherwise bleak soulless wasteland that is contemporary culture. How are you going to do that? We will give back to audiences a true sense of "awe" that only the power of the imagery, action, the breadth of the stories, their laughs, their tears and everything in between can bring. These first twelve tales have been honed into razor sharp fictional perfection our creative team. In their current state, they are the pinnacle of Western Civilization! The goal of Caveman Robot is to make a cartoon with real staying power; creating a detailed and complex character within a vast rich universe where anything can and often does happen!

How did you become so Awesome?

What did the Martian tell Rock Hudson at the end of the Martian Chronicles? "To appreciate the pleasure of the gift of being."


Caveman Robot is a registered Trademark of Jason Robert Bell and Shoshanna Weinberger.